For a beautiful day so far in Houston I have a special treat to share and that is ,Honey. Using 100% ,unfiltered, organic honey as a scrub serves a purpose towards health ,but also towards the skin as well. Skin is the biggest organ on your body and using the sugar resin at the bottom of the jar as a scrub will do endurance. Adding this scrub to your hair with some good clean organic body soap will make it smooth and moisturized. Afterwards add some Cocomon's coconut oil to your hair ,very, refreshing I use ( Lemon Ginger its strong in both aromas ). Another application for the all organic honey scrub ;would be feet and facial applications. Applying to the feet ,smoothly scrubs the excess dirt in between and cleanses. For facial applying, scrub as you would with your hands let stand for (@pprox. 2 min.) , and watch as your skin is cleansed. If you want , adding, lemon grass to a seperate solution of honey ,would be excellent for a super cleaning the lemon grass is very strong in pleasant aroma.
I hope cleansing your body with honey help soothe your day, Thanks for reading.
- T.J.